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V1 - Search Timeframe Selection

Search 'time' parameter

To search within a specific time window, uses the following syntax:

  search {from="", to=""} 

Note: 'to=' option can be omitted, for a search up to the present time

Relative timeframe

(< | > or @) (s | m | h | d | w | mon) (+|-)

  • <d+1h: to last day boundary then add one hour
  • >d+1h: to next day boundary then add one hour
  • -5d<d or -5d@d: five day ago, then align to begin of day

Absolute timeframe

  • RFC3339 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z OR 2006-01-02T15:04:05+04:00
  • Local time: 2006-01-02T15:04:05 OR 20220102 OR 20220102_102030

Note: if no timezone specified, system timezone (UTC by default) is assumed, per site configuration.


A search for data within the past 3 days:

  search {from="-3d@d", to="@d"} sContent("@tags", "fpl-example-data")

The presence of (< | > or @) indicates a peg to the previous/next hour/day boundary. A peg to the previous boundary '<' can also be denoted by '@'.

Running a search with the following from= option at 9:15 UTC yields:

  • from="-3h"

    • a search from 6:15 UTC
  • from="-3h@h"

    • a search from 6:00 UTC (at the 6:00 hour boundary)
  • from="-3h@d"

    • a search from 0:00 UTC (of the same day, at the 0:00 day boundary)
    • note that the previous day boundary is earlier than 3 hours, and the '-3h' option is in practice, ignored
  • from="@d+2"

    • a search from 2:00 UTC (at the 2:00 hour boundary)


The follow are some commonly used time parameters:


  search sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

Note: when the time selection options are omitted entirely, the default timeframe of "last 8 hours" (from="-8h") is used.

Relative timeframe

Search the previous day (yesterday)

  search {from="-1d@d",to="@d"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

Search the current day (today)

  search {from="<d",to=">d"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

Search last week

  search {from="-1w@w",to="@w"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

Search this week

  search {from="<w",to=">w"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

Search the last 48 hours

  search {from="-48h"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

Absolute timeframe

Search between specific dates

  search {from="20221010", to="20221013"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

A search from Oct 10th, to the 13th, on the local time day boundary

Search between specific times

  search search {from="20221013_100000", to="20221015_173000"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

A search from Oct 13th 10:00, to Oct 15th 17:30, all times in the local time zone

Absolute timeframe (with time zone)

Search between specific times (UTC)

  search {from="2022-10-11T05:00:00Z", to="2022-10-12T17:30:00Z"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

A search from Oct 11th 05:00, to Oct 12th 17:30, using the UTC time zone

Search between specific times (EST -4:00)

  search {from="2022-10-18T15:00:00-04:00", to="2022-10-18T19:00:00-04:00"} sContent("@tags","fpl-example-data")

A search from Oct 11th 05:00, to Oct 12th 17:30, using the US Eastern (-04:00) time zone

Page last updated: 2022 Oct 18